Thursday, June 23, 2011

My new journey

As many of you know, I am planning on moving to Terre Haute in August. I am wanting to attend Indiana State University to get a bachelors in Chemistry. I know, I know, chemistry is hard. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

A few weeks ago, I had a yard sale to raise money in order to attend college. This past weekend, I drove to Indiana to register for classes, making a stop in Ohio to see my brother. I made enough money for gas. That's ok though, because I do have some money saved up in the bank.

Well, I am posting today to tell you about the weekend I just had. I will be posting more about my adventures with school and the move. Hopefully it will be entertaining enough to bring you back, lol.

My brother came into town from Ohio a couple of weeks ago and before he came, he asked me if I could take his brother in law back to Ohio when I visited. Of course I said yes, because that is how I roll. FYI: generally when my brother visits, he brings his wife and her brother along with him. She has a sister here, so her brother likes to visit with them in order to see his sister and some friends that live in the area. :-)

Well, Friday comes and I leave the house to pick Josh (the brother in law) up. With it being tourist season, it took me about two hours to drive through the tunnel, round trip. It put me back a little farther than I had wanted, but I didn't mind too much. He had offered to help with driving as the day went on, so it was fine because I knew that I had help. I try to avoid driving after dark. I'm weird, I know.

Well, to move along, We get to Ohio safely around 11:30. It's about an 8 hour trip. All is well.

Monday morning, I wake up around 1AM so that I could get my things together. It was a 5.5hr to 6hr drive from my brothers house to Terre Haute and I wanted to be able to get there to look at apartments before registering for classes. My brother said he'd go with me, and we left around 2:30.

The beginning of the drive was a little scary. For one, I was awake, but still felt a little groggy because it was so early. The fog on the road was ridiculous, especially since it was pitch black out. I could barely see very far in front of me, and being unfamiliar with the roads, I didn't really know where the curves were or where to expect them. I remember thinking the whole time, "please, sun, you need to come up now". I figured with the sun up, it would help the visibility drastically. Soon though, the sun did rise and the fog went away.

About an hour before we got to Indianapolis, I began to see lightening in the distance. It was almost back to back. As we drew closer, the rain hit us hard. I could hear the sound of hail slamming onto the car. Again, I was faced with low visibility, but I drove on. I knew that we would get past the un-welcomed weather and it would be sunny again.

Upon merging onto the 70 to drive towards Terre Haute, we left Indianapolis and the rain behind us. I was thankful to see the hail and rain fade away as I drove towards what will be my future.

I will be posting more on my day in Terre Haute at another time. Keep your eyes posted for the joys of the day and the frustration of decisions. It will be filled with advice, locals, the 41 and much more. Stay tuned! :-)

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